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Kamado Basic

Kamado Basic brand can be described by three keywords:

  • Reliability
  • Simplicity
  • Affordable

If you’re buying your first ceramic grill, or if you don’t have any special requirements for the grill’s exclusive look and detail-designed accessories, Kamado Basic is the best choice.

Kamado Basic doesn’t look different from a traditional “store or online store’s Chinese grill,” but Basic is made of high-quality ceramic and will serve you for years.

Kamado Basic may not have such a wide range of accessories, but many Dreamfire accessories are also suitable for Kamado Basic. Neutral black – this is Basic. Basic doesn’t have to cover itself with bright colors to look like its famous competitors, Basic is good for itself.

High-quality main components – the most important feature of a kamado grill is airtightness. If the grill has high-quality and “non-logging” air dampers, then the grill owner controls his grill activity, and the grill temperature. Otherwise, the grill will control the owner and bakes at the temperature as it wants.

We trust Basic and know that Basic is the safest and most affordable choice in its product class!